Friday 26 October 2007

Submission Deadline Extended - Nov. 07 2007

Although inter b-school contests are rewarding both intellectually and ofcourse financially, assignment submissions and course requirements should be the top priotrities for the students. as they can not ask for extension in deadlines there (professors generally are a strict lot!!), markspark has decided to give some more time based on several requests received for extension.

While a few teams have already submitted their strategy proposals, a large number of students seem to be finding it tough to make a winning strategy proposal in the middle of their quizzes, assignments and mid-terms. At markspark, it has been finally decided, in the best interest of the contest participants, to extend the deadline of the submission by one more week.

the revised last date of submission of strategy proposal and registration in the contest now is November 7, 2007.

so, rush in your entries. do not miss it now. no chance of further extension!

write to markspark at if you have misplaced (??!!) the case and contest docs or for any specific clarification!!! or post a comment for help from fellow bloggers.